West Caldwell Hub Completes Gardening Curriculum

Decorated planters filled with young plants on the windowsill in Studio Arc, with different herbs planted by day program consumers.

Day Program participants from the West Caldwell Hub completed a months-long gardening course at Studio Arc, where they have learned about plants and what they need in order to grow. The course offered them a hands-on approach as they planted seeds, cared for them, and watched the resulting plants develop. The group even used skills they had learned from Studio Arc art classes to create beautiful planters. As the final lesson in the course, they took a field trip to Van Vleck House and Gardens, a lovely botanical garden in Montclair. They explored the grounds, including a greenhouse, an edible garden, an area devoted to feeding butterflies, and a large compost heap. Each area provided opportunities for additional learning and the group had a great time. After completing a scavenger hunt (congratulations to Andrew for finding all the items!), they had lunch outdoors in one of the many peaceful areas on the grounds.

Do you have a loved one interested in attending The Arc of Essex County’s Adult Day Services?  Click here to learn more about our programs, and reach out to The Arc of Essex County’s Director of Day Services Traditional Programming, Kristina Olszewski, to learn how you can enroll: kolszewski@arcessex.org or (973) 535-1181 ext. 1295.

Located on Passaic Avenue in Fairfield, Studio Arc provides visitors with opportunities to engage in a wide range of visual and creative arts classes. If you are interested in learning more about the exciting and fun activities offered to our Day Program participants, contact Director of Day Services Creative Programming Angela LoSapio at (973)535-1181 ext. 1231 or alosapio@arcessex.org.