Category: March 2025

A large group of Camp Hope staffers on the Camp Hope playground on a sunny morning in 2024.

Camp Hope is Hiring!

The Arc of Essex County has openings for paid Camp Hope staff and volunteer “counselors in training” for the summer 2025 camp season. Paid positions include lifeguards, camp counselors, 1:1 behavioral counselors, and activity coordinators, and require a full seven-week commitment. Volunteer “counselor in training” positions participate in all activities involving campers. CITs must be age 14 or older, and must commit to a minimum of one week. Located on six acres in East Hanover, Camp Hope is a summer day camp for children and adults with autism, Down syndrome, and other intellectual and developmental disabilities. The 2025 camp season will run from [...]

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Three children and a teacher smile together in a black-light party, with fluorescent hats and necklaces and shirts that say "Happy 100 Days of School"

Glowing and Growing at Stepping Stones in February

The Arc of Essex County’s Stepping Stones School bustled through February, marking the school’s one-year anniversary in the new expanded location in Fairfield while also enjoying a busy month of learning and celebrations together. On February 7, Dr. Stacy Oberfield visited the students as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month. She taught the children about why tooth care is important, and students even got to practice on her stuffed dog, Bruno. Dr. Oberfield gifted dental supplies to all of the children at the school. And she visited on a particularly festive day, as the children and staff were wearing sports [...]

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Four boys wearing Building Tomorrows 5K t-shirts at the South Mountain Recreation Complex Reservoir.

Student Champions Named for Building Tomorrows Event

The Arc of Essex County congratulates and thanks the 17 Student Champions who were selected for the 27th Annual Building Tomorrows 5K Run, Family Walk, and Fun Fest on April 26 in West Orange, as well as the seven Student Champion Mentors who are returning to support the cause. The Arc reviewed applications from students throughout the greater Essex County area that featured thoughtful responses and emotional reflections on the topics of leadership, empathy, and disability inclusion. After reviewing so many outstanding applications, The Arc’s selection committee ended up with a final cohort of 17 Student Champions that includes students in [...]

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Two women smiling by a Day Program entrance.

Day Program Open Houses Scheduled

The Arc of Essex County will be hosting a series of open houses for parents and caregivers at Day Program locations throughout Essex County, where visitors can tour the facilities, see programs in action, ask questions of Arc leadership, learn about Arc programs and services, and receive an Arc swag bag. The open houses will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following dates at the following locations: Wednesday, March 12 at West Caldwell Hub (1120 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 111, West Caldwell) Wednesday, April 9 at Bridges and Studio Arc (6 Kingsbridge Road, Unit 5, Fairfield) Wednesday, May 7 at the [...]

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Tables in a large room with information displays and people in discussion at the tables.

Meet the Support Coordination Agencies Night in April

On April 2, The Arc of Essex County will host a “Meet the Support Coordination Agencies” night at the Opportunity Zone in Maplewood from 6 to 8 p.m. As 2025 graduates approach the end of the school year, families will be asked to choose a support coordinator, who is a critical part of each family’s ability to successfully access and maintain services through New Jersey’s Division of Developmental Disabilities. The graduating class of 2025 will need to identify a support coordinator before services can begin after graduation. If you do not have a support coordinator, are unhappy with your current support coordinator [...]

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A child holding a wooden toy airplane, with the words "Ready to Soar" above and the words "Impact Report 2023-2024" below.

2023-2024 Impact Report Released

The Arc of Essex County recently released its Impact Report for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, titled “Ready to Soar.” The publication includes a review of the year’s most important initiatives, a financial report, and recognition of donors, with a special tribute to “Arc Champion” recurring donors. The “Ready to Soar” theme was inspired in part by the first Wings for All event, co-hosted by The Arc of Essex County in December 2023. That event was an emotional and meaningful day for families, and as an organization that has always worked to lift up children and adults with IDD and their families, [...]

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A large group of adults standing outside of the mirror maze activity at American Dream Mall.

Adult Recreation Roundup

Participants in The Arc of Essex County’s Adult Recreation, Group Respite, and Community Inclusion programs enjoyed a very active February. Recent activities included: A Valentine’s crafting session on February 2, where participants made gumball-machine-inspired candy dispensers at Studio Arc together A pre-Super Bowl party at the Opportunity Zone on February 9, with personalized nacho trays, Super Bowl commercial bingo, and game predictions A busy Hotel Respite weekend February 21 to 23, with a special trip to the New Brunswick Art Museum A Community Inclusion trip to the Mirror Maze at the American Dream Mall on February 23 The Adult Recreation program is always looking for [...]

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Two photos: a child pouring water into a bowl of flour, and several children making play-doh with their hands in the bowl.

Children’s Services Roundup

February was a busy month for The Arc of Essex County’s children’s programming, with opportunities for toddlers, children, and teens to have fun and educational experiences together: Children’s Respite enjoyed a shopping trip as part of their money management curriculum, as well as a bowling trip together Communi-Play provided engaging and musical communication lessons for our 2.5- to 5-year-olds, with sessions on February 1 and 15 Parents’ Night Out on February 15 featured group games and play-doh making for children and teens Art & Play gave children ages 2.5 to 5 the chance to create together at Studio Arc while building socialization skills on [...]

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A group of seven men, most of them wearing red.

Adult Day Program Roundup

Adults in The Arc of Essex County’s Day Programs have enjoyed a busy month, highlighted by some special Valentine’s Day activities: At West Caldwell Hub, a multi-day celebration started with “Malentine’s Day” on Wednesday 2/12 for the men and “Galentine’s Day” on Thursday 2/13 for the women, where the group wore red and went on a special community outing to Rock N’ Joe’s Coffee Bar. On Valentine’s Day, the program enjoyed a dance party and “dressed to impress.” At Bridges, participants made special Valentine puppets using brown paper bags and animal cutouts to share sweet sentiments. At SYA, a Valentine’s Day celebration featured [...]

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A group of six adults wearing red, purple, and pink pajamas, with Valentine's Day decorations on the wall behind them.

Residential Services Roundup

Even in the wintry weather, The Arc of Essex County group homes are warm and vibrant places to be. Highlights in February for our residents included: Valentine’s Day celebrations, including balloon decorations and cardmaking for the Belmont Group Home, a party and gift exchange at the Linden Apartments, as well as a pajama party and visit to the Seton Hall Valentine’s Day celebration for the residents in our Marmon Apartment Program A rousing Super Bowl Party in the Verona Apartment Program, with delicious food and football décor “Man Cave Monday” at Studio Arc, where gentlemen from the Cedar Grove, Verona, Washington, and Beechtree [...]

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