Family Survey on Resources for IDD and Dementia

A person taking an online survey at a laptop computer. To the right, the logo for NTG: National Task Group of Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices

The National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices (NTG) is undertaking an initiative to expand the available information on dementia for families, agencies, and others and is reaching out to family and other caregivers to help better understand where they get their information and what information might be of most use to them.

The NTG developed a brief 15-item survey with questions tapping some key areas related to information and its access. Completing the survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes, and it does not ask for any identifiers. The information will be used only in aggregate form to help the group plan an information initiative.

The survey can be completed at this link:

The deadline for responses is February 15, 2023, and anyone who is a friend, advocate, mate, family member, or other care partner can participate. Any questions can be directed to NTG’s Family Support at