“Meet the Support Coordination Agencies” Events this Winter

People mingling and stopping at tables to talk to representatives at different organizations. The tables have displays and printed materials spread out.

Your support coordinator is a critical part of your family member’s ability to successfully access and maintain services. For families who want to learn more about their options, The Arc of Essex County hosted a “Meet the Support Coordination Agencies” event in January, and has another scheduled for Tuesday, February 7.

The first event on January 25 drew a collection of families from throughout Essex County, and each had a chance to chat with more than a dozen Support Coordination Agencies in attendance. Food and respite care were also available.

The second night is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Studio Arc, 264 Passaic Avenue, Fairfield. Families will be able to meet agencies currently serving Essex County and obtain paperwork to select a new support coordinator. Representatives from The Arc of Essex County will be available to walk attendees through the selection process and associated paperwork. Refreshments will be served. (Respite care is not available for this event.)

Space is limited, so register for the February 7 event today at https://bit.ly/ArcMeetTheSCA.