Arc Residents Enjoy a Busy Winter of Activities

Arc residents visiting the Newark Museum of Art

This mild winter season may not be generating many snowy memories, but the residents of The Arc of Essex County’s group homes have been enjoying special activities, at home and out and about, throughout the season.

Some highlights include a fancy Valentine’s Day dinner at home in Belleville for the Branch Brook residents, who also recently explored the Newark Museum of Art during a day trip.

At the Washington Avenue group home in West Orange, they went all in for the Super Bowl, with a spread of delicious game-day treats and some friendly competition between the Kansas City and Philadelphia fans in the house.

With group outings, cooking, games, and more, the residents in The Arc’s group homes enjoy a variety of activities throughout each day and week. For additional information about The Arc of Essex County’s residential services, contact The Arc’s Senior Director of Residential Services Rebecca Lorusso via email at or by calling (973) 535-1181 ext. 1270.