Arc Action Alert: Tell Congress to Pass the HCBS Relief Act!

U.S. Capitol Building with The Arc logo and the words "Action Alert"

A message from The Arc of the United States:

Exciting news! Congress introduced a new bill that would increase desperately needed funding for people with disabilities to live in their communities.

The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Relief Act of 2023 was introduced in Congress by Senator Bob Casey (D-PA). The bill would provide two years of additional Medicaid funds to:

•              Improve access to HCBS by increasing direct care worker pay and benefits;

•              Decrease the number of people on waiting lists for HCBS (currently over 650,000!); and

•              Pay for assistive technologies, staffing, and other costs that facilitate community integration.

Take action now to support this important bill, which could help address the workforce crisis and decrease waiting lists for HCBS.

Why is the HCBS Relief Act needed?

Many people with disabilities are eligible for Medicaid long-term services and supports to help with everyday needs, such as eating, bathing, dressing, and traveling to work, school, or appointments. Most people want to receive these services in their own homes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, states received extra funding for home and community-based services.

This helped providers retain workers and allowed states to provide HCBS to more people. This additional funding is ending, which means many people will lose access to HCBS. Families who need home care will need to make hard choices to care for their loved ones at home.

Send a message to your members of Congress in a few easy steps, and ask them to once again provide states with extra HCBS funding to help people with disabilities thrive in their own homes and communities!

Click here to take action now!