The Arc has a variety of resources for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Here, we provide a monthly roundup of the virtual options available to The Arc community throughout the month: § The Arc of Essex County Mystery Movies (Mondays: May 1, 8, 15, and 22 at 3 p.m.)The Arc of Essex County Game Day (Tuesdays: May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 3 p.m.)The Arc of Essex County Book Buddies (Wednesdays: May 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 at 3 p.m.) § The Arc of NJ Self-Advocacy Project: Stay Healthy at Home: 5/2/23: Financial Literacy: Learn, Earn, [...]
Read MoreFor individuals seeking a community living placement, The Arc of Essex County has the following November 2020 openings: NEW! Belmont Group Home (1 Male Vacancy) 1 Bedroom Available in a 5-Bedroom Group Home24/7 Staff SupervisionLarge Single Family Home in a Great Livingston NeighborhoodCan accommodate residents with additional medical supports and aging needsCurrent roommates are males ranging in age from early 50’s to early 60’s. They enjoy spending time as a group watching movies and vintage TV shows, hosting backyard barbeques, and exploring new interests and hobbies Verona Supervised Apartment (1 Male Vacancy) 1 Bedroom Available in a 3-Bedroom Supervised Apartment24/7 Staff SupervisionLarge 2 Family [...]
Read MoreIn early October, the Wallerstein Foundation for Geriatric Life Improvement awarded The Arc of Essex County $15,000 in grant funds to be used for COVID-19 related needs. The Arc will use these funds to expand its tele-medicine initiative with StationMD purchasing an additional 9 telehealth kiosks for our group homes. The kiosks come equipped with a laptop hooked up to medical equipment to monitor patient vitals and communicate with doctors in real time via video conferencing. Since 2018, The Wallerstein Foundation for Geriatric Life Improvement has awarded The Arc $30,000 in grant funds to assist elderly individuals to remain healthy, active [...]
Read MoreThe Arc of Essex County began welcoming back day program attendees throughout the month of October. Implementing a slow, phased-in approach to ensure the health and safety of attendees and staff, three Day Programs including Special Young Adults (SYA), Opportunity Zone, and Bridges are now providing in-person services at a reduced capacity. While at their respective programs, attendees are assigned to a small cohort and participate with in-center activities and select community-based activities with their group and dedicated staff. Attendees are enjoying the increased opportunity for in-person socialization with favorite activities including seasonal celebrations and trips into the community with a [...]
Read MoreMore than six months ago, The Arc of Essex County closed the doors to our in-person day, respite, and recreation programs for what we thought might be a few weeks. Our greatest responsibility was to keep our program attendees, residents, and staff safe in the midst of an unprecedented public health emergency. As the weeks turned into months, The Arc of Essex County not only prioritized the physical health of those we serve, but began rolling out virtual programming to increase opportunities for social engagement and reduce the feelings of isolation. Adopting technologies like Zoom and Facetime, today, The Arc offers [...]
Read MoreLimited Spots RemainThe Arc of Essex County continues to acceptapplications for the 2020 Camp Hope seasonwhich will run from June 29 - August 14, 2020.Popular weeks are filling up fast, so don’t delay insubmitting your application and reserving yourspot! To apply, please visit the Camp Hopewebsite and download the application. Applications will be processed as they are received – limitedavailability remains for some weeks. For questions and to find out availability for desired weeks ofattendance, contact Erica Zupkus at (973) 535-1181 ext. 1275 or by emailing [email protected] Assistance:The New Jersey Department of Children and Families’ deadline to receive applications for [...]
Read MoreCheck Out the Spring/Summer 2020Adult Recreation & Respite CatalogWhile we may be practicing social distancing now, we arebusy planning for life after quarantine. Do you have a lovedone interested in educational programming, communityexperiences, seasonally-themed events, and weekend grouprespite programs? The Arc of Essex County’sSpring/Summer 2020 Adult Community Inclusion,Recreation, & Respite Catalog is now available! Highlightsinclude:Sea Turtle Celebration at Turtle Back ZooStrawberry & Peach FestivalsA Day at American Dream’s Sealife Aquarium andPoint Pleasant BoardwalkCupcake Decorating, an Ice Cream Social, and Community FestivalsCheck out the Spring/Summer 2020 Recreation Catalog, available here, then reach out to The Arc ofEssex County's Manager of Community [...]
Read MoreBeginning on Monday, March 16 The Arc of EssexCounty’s Stepping Stones School transitioned toremote learning as schools throughout the stateclosed due to Coronavirus. Students (and a fewsiblings) are making the most of their remotelearning experience while completing work sheets,participating in interactive learning activities, andeven taking virtual yoga classes! The Arc would liketo thank the parents who are helping our teachersand therapists with this tremendous undertaking!The Arc of Essex County's Stepping Stones Schoolis a Department of Education Approved PrivateSchool for Students with Disabilities serving childrenages 3-10. Located in Roseland, NJ, the school isdesigned to meet the developmental andeducational needs of children [...]
Read MoreWhile Having Fun at HomeBeginning on Friday, March 13, The Arc of EssexCounty’s residential programs began practicingsocial distancing as a way to remain healthy amidstthe COVID-19 outbreak. While this meant thecancellation of Adult Recreation & Respite and DayProgramming outside of the home, The Arc remainscommitted to maintaining a regular daily schedule fullof engaging activities.Residential and Day Program staff teamed up toexecute this new approach. For the Millburn GroupHome, this meant developing a weekly calendar ofactivities that incorporates every residents’ interests.Activities include in-home spa days, karaoke andmusic classes, arts & crafts, and staying activethrough chair yoga, dancing, and neighborhoodwalks.The Nutley Group [...]
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